In netizen.lists.linuxchix.issues, you wrote:
>When I saw the 10% figure I wondered, too :) You may be right about
>the number of women who just aren't visible - one of the things I
>love about linuxchix is that so many more have become visible to me
>through it - but Australia must have many more women attending
>conferences than has this side of the world.
The conferences I've been to... CALU (the Conference of Australian
Linux Users) where I only attended the BOF sessions, but found 3 or 4
women at (I think one of them was just someone's wife tagging along).
That was out of about 80-100 people at a guess. The next one was the
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) conference back in September, whose
theme was Open Source. There were about a dozen women there out of a
few hundred total.
As far as user groups are concerned, the main one I have experience with
is LUV (Linux Users Victoria) where 3-5 women at a meeting of about 80
is common. I've also attended SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) which had
a lower proportion, but I certainly wasn't the only one there... there
were about 4 or 5 out of 200 (it was the AGM night).
At the most recent LUV installfest, there were 2 women actually doing
stuff out of about 40 people, plus a couple of wives/partners hanging
round. At the previous installfest, there were about 4 women involved
and about 4 wives/partners and one booth babe, out of about 100 people
actually in attendance.
I'll avoid counting any group or event with less than 20 or 30 people in
attendance (eg perl mongers, freebsd user groups) because my own
presence there would skew the data too much :)
So my 3-5% figure is based on various events and groups in this region.
I figured it was safe to double it for the non-user-group-attending ones
who actually have lives :)
>On the subject of the FAQ, I suppose you could say, "Estimates by
>different members of the list vary from (lower number) to (higher
>number)" :)
That works for me, if the numbers are about 1% and 10%.
Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
"My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved.
Do you suppose I care?" --Marquis de Sade