>> the women working on stands and stalls (I am coming to hate the phrase 
>> 'booth babes', but that's how they are commonly described, grrr), it 
>"Booth Bimbos" was the term I'd heard used. Judging by the level of their
technical knowledge on average, I'd say it was more appropriate as well.
I'm not even sure that they serve their purported marketing purpose well
either, as far as I'm concerned a much better draw for a stand would be a
cool give-away instead of the usual stress-ball or cheap biro. It wouldn't
be nearly as condescending either.
>Although I must say I'm curious now, I'm going to start looking more
closely at the gender split when I go to shows in future.

U should really do that. I find the same within a part of the computer
culture in Norway (I do reseach on female 'hackers' or females that r very
much dedicated to computers)... the girls that attend computer parties very
much goes under the name groupies or irc babes!

Hege Nordli
Centre for technology and society
Department of interdisciplinary studies of culture
NTNU/Norwegian University of Science and Technology
7034 Trondheim, Norway

Phone: +47-22850423 (work)
Fax:   +47-22850401

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