> culture in Norway (I do reseach on female 'hackers' or females that r very
> much dedicated to computers) . . . 

If you have any of your work in electronic format, you should think about posting a 
link to it to this list, I sure quite a few members here would be interested in it.

> . . . the girls that attend computer parties very
> much goes under the name groupies or irc babes!

I was thinking more of the girls who are paid to stand in booths at shows, I think  
that if I called any of the women I know "groupies" then only the fact that I've just 
moved to a different country would save me from getting a good kicking ;-)


#ifndef  __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips
#include <std_disclaimer> | TIBCO Software Inc.
#endif                    | www.TIBCO.com

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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