> I found out that I, with 3% of the people who took the test, had a moderate tendancy 
> associate females with science.  Not *too* big a surprise since I've been
> good and brainwashed with female-friendly science programs, although it'd be
> nice if I could say I had no associations.

I had a strong automatic preference for female-science association. I
took the test twice (one in the reverse order of the other), and both
came out the same way.

> I noticed that I tended to put music on the wrong side, which is sort of
> interesting.  I also put philosophy on the wrong side a few times.

I did the same, with music especially. I kept putting engineering on the
female side, it was the one I had the most trouble with. I got the big
red "X" a lot with the science words. 

I found the word-association was more difficult than the face
orientation. For my other IAT's, I had a slight preference for old over
young (4% of 4000 were in my boat) and no preference for black over
white (13% of 6000). I took each one twice (the reverse order thing) and
they all came out the same both times.

Well, my parents will be glad to know I have no stereotypical
associations ;o)

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