On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Terri Oda wrote:

> A friend of mine sent this to our mailing list and I thought some of you
> would find it interesting:
> http://depts.washington.edu/iat/index.html

Very interesting!  I had slight preference for young over old, and I only
took that one once.

For the other two:
original order -- slight pref for whites over blacks
reverse order -- no preference

original order -- slight pref for women in science
reverse order -- strong pref for women in science

For whomever said they had the women & science thing because of the doctor
mom, I'm the same way -- my mom's a radiologist.  When I think of
scientists in white lab coats they are invariably female in my head.  I
was actually surprised I didn't have a stronger association the first time


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