"Deidre L. Calarco" wrote:

> >> I found out that I, with 3% of the people who took the test, had a
> > moderate tendancy to
> >> associate females with science.  Not *too* big a surprise since I've been
> >> good and brainwashed with female-friendly science programs, although it'd be
> >> nice if I could say I had no associations.
> >
> > I had a strong automatic preference for female-science association. I
> > took the test twice (one in the reverse order of the other), and both
> > came out the same way.
> The same happened with me.  I had a strong automatic association for
> female-science.  Maybe it's because I'm a technical, math oriented person
> (always got better grades in math and science then in english), and my
> little brother is an actor who's never been good at math and science.
> Deidre  Calarco
> Robert Darvas Associates
> (734) 761-8713 (ext. 16)
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

I f somoene says "techie" an image of either sex pops into my head. Sometimes it
gets weird. Like should I teach this 19-17 year of either sex how to do to the
techie thingw without his or her (usually her oparents freaking out).

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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