A friend of mine sent this to our mailing list and I thought some of you
would find it interesting:


The tests are designed to test your implicit attitudes -- whether you make
an automatic association between certain things.  The one that would be of
particular interest is the gender/science one.  

"The gender-science IAT often reveals automatic association of female with
liberal arts and male with science. This result fits with the notion of
traditional gender stereotypes that females can not or just do not
participate in scientific fields. "

I found out that I, with 3% of the people who took the test, had a moderate tendancy to
associate females with science.  Not *too* big a surprise since I've been
good and brainwashed with female-friendly science programs, although it'd be
nice if I could say I had no associations.

I noticed that I tended to put music on the wrong side, which is sort of
interesting.  I also put philosophy on the wrong side a few times.

The rest of the stats:

 Interpretation                           Percent of Total 
 (Inconclusive scores not included)       (4500 respondents) 
 Strong automatic association between male and science 51% 
 Moderate automatic association between male and science 13% 
 Slight automatic association between male and science 13% 
 Little or no automatic gender association with science or liberal arts 12% 
 Slight automatic association between female and science 5% 
 Moderate automatic association between female and science 3% 
 Strong automatic association between female and science 3% 

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