> The problem with herbal cures is that no one is regulating the
> manufacturers for standards in dosage and purity, but the manufacturers
> themselves. Tablets of St. John's Wort can vary in effectiveness between
> brands and batchs, while 20mg of prozac will always have the same dosage
> of active drug.
> Also, people seem more inclined to discount the serious side effects and
> drug interactions that can occur with herbal remedies. For example, people
> taking St. John's Wort should avoid excess exposure to the sun. Some
> herbal remedies can interact with certain medical treatments and drugs as
> well with dire consequences for the patient who doesn't tell their doctor
> what they are taking, -including- herbal suppliments.
> Many of our pharmecuticals originally derived from herbal remedies.
> Herbals are all that mankind had to use before we had the ability to
> isolate just which active chemical in the plant was actually giving us the
> benefits against certain diseases and conditions. Certainly herbal
> remedies still have their place, if they are used with education and a
> watchful eye, just as with any medical drug. People should educate
> themselves fully on the effects of any chemical they take into themselves,
> whether medical or herbal, whether it comes from a doctor's office or
> over-the-counter. But a great many don't, blindly trusting in their doctor
> or the latest media/advertising hype.
> On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, J B wrote:
> >
> > <SNIP>
> > And before anyone thinks I'm flaming people who seek a hearty dose
> > of western medicine, I'm not
> > <SNIP>
> >
> > The herbal route actually is western medicine, though more in the
> > traditional way, rather than the modern one....
> >
> > It is rather sad that we have become so dependent on artificial cures, when
> > the natural (ie-herbal) way is as effective, if not more so, in some or most
> > cases.....the indiginous tribes had it right...
> >
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I agree, after all the Opium Poppy Papaver Sominiferum (Poppy, Bringer of Sleep)
is natural, so are the alkaloids, codeine and morphine from them. Ephedrine, from
the Chinese Version (Ma Huang) is rather potent. Is a good CNS stimulant, only a
few atomic substitutions for amphetamine (aka speed) in fact it was used to treat
nacrolepsy (involuntary sleep attacks) for quite awhile.
The protohormones and things like DHEA can be quite potent in some people.
Sometimes women have reported strange results like "thinking like a guy.". :)
There are few double blind studies. And if you scan those body building mags you
get a mix of protein powders and eggs. and why, plus some potentially pretty
potent protohormones (sold at high price). Rarely really tested. In fact on
randomly sleeted males seems to cast a bit of cold water on "roid rage" and
"testosterone positioning". Some school is doing "roid rage tests" on RANDOM
SELECTLY males, not just "GYM RATS:)"
This is a bit a field from linux, except that in many of our jobs and the like, we
deal with difficult issues, things that don't work as advertised. Going to bed
feeling a failure because one couldn't get something to work. and then finding out
one crucial detail was left out. Plus all the daily stress of living. SO yeah, we
can get frustrated and depressed. Working on complex ill defined task can get that
way. Especially when something has been presented as plug and play and it isn't.
So that is why I watch these mailing lists and see what problems others have. Like
I have the US Robotics win modem. SO I want to be double careful of the things I
do. And I do dislike, the DOS "let's be transparent, so much so let's keep the
user in the dark sort of think. I want as close to plug and play with knowledge do
I can tweak....I hope this qualifies as an issue, or issues.
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org