Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Oct 1999 06:18:38 GMT, "J B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >It is rather sad that we have become so dependent on artificial
> >cures, when the natural (ie-herbal) way is as effective, if not more
> >so, in some or most cases.....the indiginous tribes had it right...
> St. John's Wort did nothing for me. Zoloft, on the other hand...
> I won't even get into the differences between Black Cohosh and Premarin.
> Kelly
> ************
This seems a bit categoricall. But if it works for you, then it does. I
lived, and pbably will life again in those "natural medicine capitals of the
world". Their cures were worse than the disease. A friend took 3 weeks to
recover from a colonic. Except for ephedrine, ans such, and a certain
perhspas to rmain unmentioned bitter tea, nothing worked.
What was good was the people into these thing were willing to talk. And even
if disgarred with their make it up on the fly, less than facts, the care and
concern was better than spend 1o minutes write a script etc.
But alas I have no use for some councilors. It is hard to provide natural
healing for a brain tumor. Despite that, taliking over thigns was nice.
Though the right person was important. SOme I had to bite my toongue, roll
eyes and avoid telling them where to go. And for panic attacks all the
cognitive approaches failed and clonazepam works.
But since the resident liked me and I was a the end of his day, we had nice
personal discussions, and that was the best of both worlds. Helped a whole
lot. Many of us need talk and medication, chosen wisely and carefully.
Have Fun,
Sends Steve