"Mary P. Wood" wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I'd have to agree with the idea of thinking people being a little more
> prone to depression ... how does the saying go?  "Ignorance is Bliss."
> Simple St. John's Wort is my current mood evener of choice.  I've
> dealt with the depression thing on and off my whole life (perhaps
> from being a thinker? ;-)  ) and took Serzone during a very low
> point.  But, I've also always disliked the idea of having to take
> drugs
> at all.  As a few have brought up here, we live in a society that
> promotes the miracle cure:  We want a pill to make it all go away, the
> doctor is happy to charge an office visit to prescribe that pill and
> the
> pharmacist is happy to sell us that pill.  While I certainly
> appreciate the
> availability of antibiotics for my tonsillitis, Serzone for my most
> severe
> depression, and Tylenol 3 when I crash my bicycle, I also find it way
> too easy to become dependent on snake oil for -every- little ache and
> pain.  I often find it much more beneficial in the long run to listen
> to
> my body without masking the symptoms -- putting them out of sight,
> out of mind.  Thus, when I started on a depressive downswing again, I
> thought I'd give the herbal route a try ... less snake oil than it is
> something to help me help myself.  And it's worked wonderfully!
> And before anyone thinks I'm flaming people who seek a hearty dose
> of western medicine, I'm not.  I totally understand that there are
> folk
> out there who, as Rikki said, are very much in need of all the modern
> medical bells and whistles available.  I have found myself in such
> need
> plenty of times.  Unfortunately, I believe there are even more folk
> out
> there who are not in such need, yet are seduced into believing they
> are.
> Just as physical injuries are better healed through activity versus
> inactivity, so are emotional injuries (and mental, and spiritual).
> I wholly agree with keeping anti-depressants, be they herbal or
> western,
> 'just below the fog,' as the medication is really just there to ease
> the
> symptoms while it is up to the user to heal the root cause.
> - - Mary; burning a little sage tonight to get rid of the bad vibes.
> - --
> "He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched
>  than he who suffers it."
>      - Plato
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The big thing is that correctly appleied drugs work. They are over rated
but correctly used they really do work. Getting the right one and not the
latest trendoid one is the big things. The total anti-drug stance is often
misguided. Just as the throwe drugs at everything is misguided. And some
plant products are real drugs.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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