On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 04:48:47PM -0400, Rikki McGinty wrote:
> oh my god. i just read Rob's ridiculous "article" and am truly nauseous.
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=99/10/23/202252&mode=thread

I donno. Kinda had a point about geek-on-geek relationships.
When one of your first questions to a prospective mate is
"You're not, an, um, erm, /emacs/ user, are?"
it is sort of worrisome. And long nights of MUTT vs MH as MUA
is good fun. Also the fights if someone walks off to work with
the only copy of the camel book in the house. ("But, de--ar, I
/left/ the llama book!"). Not to mention the, "why the fsck did
you recompile the kernel on isis? now the sound card doesn't

Though giving the /. crowd advice to stay away from geek girls
is prolly good for those perceived as geek girls. I know I wouldn't
want a /.er who reads & believes most of what /. says near me.

> I don't know if I can even go to slashdot anymore.

good call.
a lot of their general science news seems to come from
www.eurekalert.org and you can just do google searches on
legos, that about sums up the useful stuff they carry these
days. :/


ND Hailey                                       www.demona.com
"You don't hardly know yourself, girl, till you find yourself
 doing things you never imagined." --Dorothy Allison 

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