> Roblimo posted an article on /. with advice for lonely guys about how to
> find a woman.  This has drawn a variety of responses, some of them
> complaining about its attitude toward women.  At first blush, it seems
> that most of those comments were written by men.  I thought I'd ask some
> women what they think.  Here's my $0.02 and I'm really interested in
> feedback.

Was there not something on there about "getting geek girls" not too long
ago? Maybe it was just in the comments of the linuxchix-type stories
(there were a few). 

Those stories always end up the same (in the comments). (don't mean to
step on any toes here just MHO) 

Guy numbers 1-100 say "where can i get a girl like that"
guy numbers 101-150 say "i have one"
guy numbers 151-200 say "i don't want one"
girl numbers 1-50 say "look at me! i'm a geeky girl!!"
girl numbers 51-100 say "i'm a geeky girl and i am (dating | married)"
and the rest of the comments are either trolling or serious stuff...

guess it's just the typical /. crowd ;o)

> - Most of Robs comments seem to apply equally well to geek girls, and
> even gay & lesbian guys/girls.

They were fairly general. Tho I'm not dating anymore, I would think "be
real, don't look for someone exactly like you, but don't forget physical
stuff does count" applies to nearly everyone out there in the dating

> When shown film of a female, *all* the guys looked them up and down.  It
> seems likely that I do this as well without knowng, but then that's the
> uncertainty principle for you.

When it comes down to it, you cannot ignore that physical appearance
*is* important to some degree to everyone. To some, it matters very
little, while to others they believe it is of the utmost importance.
Most of us fall somewhere in between... we might use physical appearance
to help "narrow the playing field" and then find out more about the
person(s) (either through dating or conversation or whatever else is out
there). "Love" is not exclusively non-physical or exclusively
physical... it is a delicate mix of both, unique to each person.

> - Robs assertion that geeks need a partner who is a supporter also
> offended many people.  I've met women who want to be house wives.  I've
> also met women who tell me they enjoy being tied up.  Equally, I've met
> women with careers who want a partner who doesn't get under foot.  None
> of these people were trying to sell me anything and all of them were in
> stable relationships with other people at the time.  To each, their
> own.  Live and let live.

I don't think it's that geeks need a partner who is a supporter that
offended people... it's how he said it. Geek (guys) need a woman who is
not a geek girl because geek girls cannot be supportive. (that's what I
got from it anyway)

That I have a problem with, but that geeks need a partner that can
support them is definitely true. Everyone needs a partner that can
support them, but it's not just "woman1 supports man1", it is mutual.
woman1 <=support=> man1

But the "amount" of support that you need/want is going to be
individual. Some people love being independent... they can't get enough
of it. Some people want to be dependent... some love falling inbetween. 

I think a point he should have made is that everyone is different...
there is no perfect mix of a+b+c+d that is going to make EVERYONE find
their "perfect" mate.

> Finally, my personal experience has been that you don't choose the
> people you care about, they happen to you.  I have quite a number of
> associates who I have chosen for various reasons, but there are only two
> people in the world I truely care about.  I'd lay down my life for them
> at the drop of a hat, but I didn't choose either of them.  One of them
> is my fiancee, the other is one of the most opinionated, stubborn, self
> centred and contrary people I've ever known - my dearest friend.  I once
> chose a wife.  It turned out very badly.

Exactly... they "happen". They could be right under your nose, but you
won't see them until it "happens". 

I didn't care much for his comments about "being nice" to people because
they might turn out to be good looking sometime later, and the stuff
about breasts getting better with time. 

Roblimo's excuse is that it was put under "humour"... but like someone
else said, I hope his wife doesn't read it!!

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