Roblimo posted an article on /. with advice for lonely guys about how to
find a woman. This has drawn a variety of responses, some of them
complaining about its attitude toward women. At first blush, it seems
that most of those comments were written by men. I thought I'd ask some
women what they think. Here's my $0.02 and I'm really interested in
- Most of Robs comments seem to apply equally well to geek girls, and
even gay & lesbian guys/girls.
- Rob made some comments which showed that he has a fairly typical male
reaction to the female figure. This seems to offend some people.
While I prefer to make eye contact with people (I have a fixation with
"what is really going on in their heads"), I sometimes find myself more
focused on other parts of a females anatomy if I'm zoned out.
Curiously, when this happens, sex drive doesn't feature, I'm just
mentally elsewhere. Rarely, I see a female who is literally head
turningly, jaw droppingly "stunning". The rare times I actually meet
these people, I'm even more interested in what's going on in their
heads. Incidentally, I saw a TV dcumentary years ago where some
researchers had a device to measure where test subjects where looking.
When shown film of a female, *all* the guys looked them up and down. It
seems likely that I do this as well without knowng, but then that's the
uncertainty principle for you.
- Robs assertion that geeks need a partner who is a supporter also
offended many people. I've met women who want to be house wives. I've
also met women who tell me they enjoy being tied up. Equally, I've met
women with careers who want a partner who doesn't get under foot. None
of these people were trying to sell me anything and all of them were in
stable relationships with other people at the time. To each, their
own. Live and let live.
Finally, my personal experience has been that you don't choose the
people you care about, they happen to you. I have quite a number of
associates who I have chosen for various reasons, but there are only two
people in the world I truely care about. I'd lay down my life for them
at the drop of a hat, but I didn't choose either of them. One of them
is my fiancee, the other is one of the most opinionated, stubborn, self
centred and contrary people I've ever known - my dearest friend. I once
chose a wife. It turned out very badly.