On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Nils Philippsen wrote:
> I don't think it is valid to say that just because s.th. is "culture",
> that it's right.
likewise it's not valid to refute any cultural mechanism... I see this
often in religious arguments... and well, the refutation of all
social/psychological devices as worthless is ethnocentric, unfortunately
that perspective might as well deem the idea of ethnocentricism as an
informal fallacy is popycock...
the same sort of attitude that produced diagrams of protohuman
"speciation" that painted the great white caucasian man as the one, true,
pure race...
not that I'm trying to pass this ad homonym off to you ;-> but can you
see how such a system that has evolved might have some residual
bennefit... talk about "freedom", talk about "fairness", but take all that
with a grain of salt and really consider that this is a world completely
foreign to your own ultra-upperclass (in comparison with the rest of the
world) existance...
p.s. wsu has some pretty kick-ass anthropology professors
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