On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Nils said:
> >Objection, Your Honours! Some males grasp sexism and some don't,
> ...snip...
> >it). Some people might consider your statement a rather sexist one,
> >don't you think? Just because a relevant share of males are
> chauvinist pigs, this doesn't mean that this is true for all males.
> If you are a non-sexist (male or female) great!
> I hope you will also speak out whenever you hear males being sexist -

In general yes. Sometimes (depends on if the person put down can handle it
by herself), I just lean back, watch the battle and applaud afterwards :-)
To be serious: not every person wants to get unsolicited assistance in
such cases. 

> I hope you don't conclude (and if you don't, congrats!) that this is
> not your issue when it is females that are being discriminated just
> because (sorry, I'm just guessing) you are not female.

Congrats, you guessed right :-). Oppression is oppression regardless of
whether someone belongs to the oppressed group of people (and I have a
strong opinion on people oppressing others, be assured). I just bashed
about a statement that could be considered sexist -- if males should be
careful about what they say, females should, too. I guess, I've not been
careful enough, hm?

Nils Philippsen / Vogelsangstrasse 115 / D-70197 Stuttgart / +49.711.6599405
   The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
   regarded as a criminal offence.                  -- Edsger W. Dijkstra

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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