> Cat said:
> >I would personally find it more important for men to object to the
> sexism
> >that takes place out of women's earshot. I can defend myself, true,
> >and I would prefer to do so rather than have some guy jump in and do it
> >for me (in most cases). The place to combat it would be behind the
> >scenes. If there weren't sexism out of earshot, then people wouldn't
> have
> >to watch what they say, or be careful when members of the opposite sex
> >were actually around, wouldn't you agree?
> >
> >I feel it important to bring up the subject of sexism when my female
> >friends send around jokes that are demeaning to men. I think that is
> more
> >effective then just doing it in public -- you can then be viewed as
> just
> >jumping to someone's defense to score points or whatever, and your
> >statements (no matter how true to your personal beliefs) can be easily
> >viewed in that context to diminish them. However, pointing it out when
> >there is no one of the opposite sex present makes it clear that the
> views
> >are your own, and you are willing to stand up for them even when there
> is
> >no perceived stake in it.
> I agree - but you said it a lot more clearly than I did - thanks -
> -E.
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
I would tend to agree. It would be an act of personal bravery. Certianly in
the environment where these things happen. My theory is when someone
presents some idea I don't like is to offer alternatives. Like the "She
advanced because, she was having sex with the boss.." But that seems to
work better than could out swinging. Like in an all male evironment, putting
up pictures of women with "too many muscles". Get's a sort of "uggh!"
reaction from many guys. They ask you why you did it, and you say: "Well you
have pix of Miss Busty Beer Bikini Spectacular all around...." That works a
moderately well, to at least get guys thinking.
I guess I am not worried about "sexual attraction" as I am about sort of
reducing any group of people to some inferior status and make them
effectively good for "only one thing..."
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org