Cat said:
>I would personally find it more important for men to object to the
>that takes place out of women's earshot. I can defend myself, true,
>and I would prefer to do so rather than have some guy jump in and do it
>for me (in most cases). The place to combat it would be behind the
>scenes. If there weren't sexism out of earshot, then people wouldn't
>to watch what they say, or be careful when members of the opposite sex
>were actually around, wouldn't you agree?
>I feel it important to bring up the subject of sexism when my female
>friends send around jokes that are demeaning to men. I think that is
>effective then just doing it in public -- you can then be viewed as
>jumping to someone's defense to score points or whatever, and your
>statements (no matter how true to your personal beliefs) can be easily
>viewed in that context to diminish them. However, pointing it out when
>there is no one of the opposite sex present makes it clear that the
>are your own, and you are willing to stand up for them even when there
>no perceived stake in it.
I agree - but you said it a lot more clearly than I did - thanks -