On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:43:02 +0200 (CEST), Nils Philippsen 

>I didn't mean that. If someone wants to belive in a certain religion,
>that's fine. But to shove religion down people's throats whether they
>want it or not is not my thing. That "law/justice positivism"
>(wording?) thing is what bothers me. Culture _can_be_ good (in many
>cases it is), but it needn't be.

I am a firm believer in the theory that there exists an absolute
theory of morality.  What I do NOT do is blindly assume that my
culture's theory of morality is any better an approximation than that
of any other culture.  If I condemn a culture's theory of morality, I
do so on its face, rather than simply because it differs from my own.

Every cultural group should be free to make its own choices amongst
morally neutral practices (the classic example of this being whether
one cremates or buries one's dead); but no cultural group has any
right to maintain a morally reprehensible cultural practice, with no
regard given to whether the practice itself is consider morally
justified within that culture.


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