Cat wrote:

> >
> > I'm really starting to wonder if people are just being WAY too thin
> > skinned.
> >
> > Do any of you honestly believe that these people (be they men OR women)
> > are putting babes in their screenshots in order to alienate the women in
> > the linux community? Do you believe they are doing it for shock value? To
> > get a rise out of you?
> Actually, no, I don't believe that they are doing it for shock value or to
> get a rise out of me.  If that were the case, it would bespeak an
> understanding that those types of images CAN be construed as having shock
> value or that there is some reason they would get a rise out of anyone.
> That would be a good understanding.  The thing I don't like is the
> UN-thinking nature of the postings.
> I understand from your posts that you have a pro-porn perspective, which
> is certainly a fine position to take.  However, I feel a distinctly
> unfriendly atmosphere if I walk into a place that has girlie pictures all
> over the walls.  I do not think that most places (unless clearly
> demarcated) that are inviting to both males and females generally have
> adult pictures plastered up.
> Cat
> /././././././././././././././././././
>  The plural of anecdote is not data.
> \.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\
> ************

Ok, well it can be sort of intimidating in either direction. It is just usually
not sensed by guys,  probably because as a guy I am told thru many ways that my
BODY isn't the most important thing. That it doesn't matter as much. But the
funny thing is, a friend at that large presidential daughter university, well
she had,  pictures of whoever the current in guy movie hunk was at the time.
Alas like movie actors some love to hate, they come and go. But it did convince
me I was not very attractive or desireable...Or pushed me a little in that
direction. I could see it rattling people.

And around here in bars, it is as I said used as "way to mark male territory"
as a place women don't go. Same way on a construction site. Whereas everytime
you see a woman say doing carpentry or painting. You are sure to see those nice
government stickers tacked up abouts, and yep they HAD to HIRE WOMEN.  And yep
no girlie pix there.

The Babies thing is funny. A friend of mine(female) dislikes strongly her
relatives giving her the baby report. Whereas mine worry if "it's too late for
me..."  But I hear "the baby report" a lot and pay not as much attention to it.
Unless it has high spookiness value. Like someone who swore never to have kids
changed their mind.

But having assumed the role somewhat of artist, well I am interested in how
people use imagery and what it reflects about all these things. So I wonder
well, why was that image made, and is it true that banks and such liked
abstract expressionists, because one could get into the formal aspect of the
whole thing and it didn't have any explicit(in literal sense, as in extensive
"family content":) content to rattle people.  Standard abstract art
dis(missal). Well I feel more energetic I will tell you of my intentional
(mis)deeds with shock value images.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve


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