> Why does everything in the screenshot HAVE to be about the theme? Isn't
> the purpose of a screenshot to show what the theme looks like while being
> used, rather than what it looks like with a bunch of apps and images put
> there because they relate to the theme? Apps and images that you may not
> have?
Guess we're thinking the purpose of the screenshot is different. In the
*screenshots* section, that would be the purpose... to show the window
manager being used in all sorts of situations. In the themes section,
the purpose of the screenshot is to show off the theme so people can
download it... the *menu* being used would be important, showing off
some icons, and maybe one or two apps to show how it handles
foreground/background shading in the menu bars and things.
> Its not necessarily out of your target audience, either. As I pointed out
> before, we are there to look at the THEMES, and the images contained in
> the screenshots are just so much noise. It doesn't matter to me what
> people put there, because that's not why I am looking at the screenshot.
Like I said before, my big problem with themes.org (or the people that
put up themes) is that so many screenshots have so much CRAP in them
that I *can't* see the theme! Nekkid women or not, when I'm looking for
a theme, I'd like to be able to see the theme before I think "this one
MIGHT be cool so I'll download it and install it" just to find out the
theme sucks and I just wasted a lot of time (not to mention disk space).
It's nice to see cool apps now and then, but it's rarely that way...
it's usually xmms, gimp, doom, quake, some emulator, and someone
watching connections to their machine. I'm glad that someone can
actually RUN all those processes and still move their mouse to take the
screenshot, but it doesn't help me see the theme. And there are times
it's not just one or two of them... it's all of them, or most of them,
or enough to clutter the desktop to the point that you can't see the
theme anymore.
> There *is* an Adult section, and anything relating to nakedness is put
> there. Problem solved. I don't believe its necessary to take it a step
> further, and tell people not to put images of models in their screenshots.
That's not what I'm saying though... it is relevant if the theme is
about the model, or about models in general, or something the model is
known for, or something like that. But if the theme is about pac-man how
does a model apply (and the model isn't ms. pac man)?
Chef comes to mind: "there's a time and a place for everything, and it's
called college."
> That is not my point, and if that is how it reads, (which it doesn;t to
> me, natch :) then my apologies. My point is that people take their
> offended sensibilities too far, and try to tell people they can't even
> THINK about looking at/creating images that could be said to objectify
> women. Or men. Its NOT a gender issue. Its not about which party has the
> majority. Its about dealing with the fact that people LIKE to appreciate
> male and female forms, and the act of putting these images in a screenshot
> is not such a big deal.
Yes, sometimes people do take their offended sensibilities too far, I
can agree with that for sure... and what is objectifying women to a
woman is likely different than what is objectifying women to a man...
similarly... what is objectifying women to a radical feminist is likely
different than what is objectifying women to a 'normal' woman.
Putting such images in a screenshot made for a theme about pac-man just
doesn't fit.
> Bikkini-clad women can be seen in many places, and I think that attacking
> themes.org is ridiculous. There are too many OTHER places where its a real
> issue. Go look at a website for racecar-fanatics, or low-riders. Pick up
> one of those magazines. Take a long hard look, and then try to tell me
> that themes.org screenshots compete with THAT.
t.o doesn't even come close... but that's not what we started out
discussing :o)
> And since I have just been repeating myself, I think I will stop here. I
> am quite outnumbered here anyhow ;)
Ahh that's okay... your opinion still matters (of course) and makes the
discussion a little more interesting :o)
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