> I'm really starting to wonder if people are just being WAY too thin
> skinned.
Perhaps. But after you hear "women can't do xx" (where xx is usually
something technical or "male-oriented") or something similar, you start
to get more offensive than defensive, finding the problem before the
problem finds you. You may be more thick skinned to such insults, but
you might come off as thin skinned.
> Ok, sure, there are likely a few people who are doing it for those
> reasons. I disbelieve that these people are the majority, and I would be
> taken aback to find out that you guys are upset because you think they are
> doing all of this on purpose. Granted, I firmly believe that most people
> suck. However, I think it would be beyond ridiculous to state that these
> images are put there for any purpose other than the innocent "She's a
> babe, and would look cool in this screenshot" reason.
But why does she *need* to be in the screenshot in the first place if
it's not about her, or something related to her?
In the duchovny theme, the image was relevant to the theme... if he had
been nekkid, it still would have been pretty relevant to the theme. The
image wasn't a part of the theme, but it was a part of the screenshot.
In the other theme we looked at that was FULL of crap (xdoom, quake2, a
NES emulator, something that looked like vmware, xeyes, gimp, and so
on), the image didn't have anything to do with the theme (penguins I
believe, the icons looked pretty nice IIRC)...
If the theme was about WomanA, a picture of nekkidWomanA would be
relevant in the screenshot... you know that you're looking for an
audience that likes WomanA anyway, so a picture of nekkidWomanA would
perhaps also appeal to your target audience.
But, if you're looking for a wide audience or have a very general theme,
a picture of nekkidWomanA isn't necessarily within your target
unless... you think the "community" that uses windowmaker (or less
specifically X) would always like a picture of nekkidWomanA, and we run
into the problem I believe we started out discussing. How do we let the
people who think everyone wants to see nekkidWomanA know that NOT
everyone is looking for nekkidWomanA or would enjoy seeing nekkidWomanA
in their perusal of themes?
I'm a heterosexual woman, but that does not mean if I see ANY woman in
ANY screenshot I am TOTALLY offended and have a problem with the world.
I think there are tasteful places to put pictures of nekkid/scantily
clad women and make it look *good* and/or make the theme look more
interesting/appealing. There are some pictures on macdesktops.com (in
the TAZL section) that are tastefully done, and have nekkid women in
them. I might not put it on my desktop, but it doesn't make me roll my
eyes and be totally turned off to anything TAZL may do in the future...
like some of the themes with irrelevantly placed pictures of nekkid
women do.
> All of this starts me thinking back to my belief that people have become
> SO worked up over objectification of women, that ANYTHING representing
> gorgeous women in little clothing is deemed offensive. It feels like men
> (and those of us who LIKE women too) are not allowed to appreciate the
> female body, to take sexy pictures and share them with the world, or to
> put images of them in advertizing and movies. YES, objectification is a
> problem. However, all images of scantily clad women are NOT
> objectification.
So since there are more people that like women (male or female), we
should not be bothered by it at all?
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