ae wrote:
>> Explaining sexism to a male is really difficult, though gay/bi men will
>> sometimes understand if they are gorgeous.

nils wrote:
> Objection, Your Honours! Some males grasp sexism and some don't, it's just
> the same as with females (though I think more females than males will
> understand sexism because a female person more likely falls a victim to
> it). Some people might consider your statement a rather sexist one, don't
> you think? Just because a relevant share of males are chauvinist pigs,
> this doesn't mean that this is true for all males.

i think that explaining sexism to anyone is really difficult.  of course,
like anything, if the person you're explaining it to already understands
(whether they're male or female), then it's a moot point.  and as you say,
more women understand sexism than men, though certainly there are women who
do not.  so i think it's a perfectly fair statement to say that explaining
sexism to a male is really difficult.  i also think that explaining racism
or homophobia is really difficult, and white people and straight people are
by far the least likely to already understand those.  so i don't think it's
racist or homophobic to say that it's hard to explain racism to white
people or homophobia to straight people.

making generalizations is always dangerous.  there are always exceptions,
and there are always people pointing out the exceptions if you don't (and
often even if you do) mention them yourself.  but it's still often useful
to make generalizations anyway.  we just have to be very careful when we

in any case, nils, you seem to be putting words into ae's mouth, which is a
common thing to do when you disagree with someone else, but which in my
mind only serves to make your argument less convincing.  she never said
that no males grasp sexism, and she certainly never said that all males are
chauvinist pigs...


Neil "Fred" Picciotto --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---


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