At 01:39 PM 10/21/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Ingrid and AE:
>Very well-spoken.
>To me, the idea of changing your "nick" to stop sexist comments is bull****.
>Right on sistahs!
(took some good stuff out sigh:)
I agree why hide, why have to have no fun, no courage and even worse a dull
name.:) I mean linuxchix doesn't sound like the usual technical alphabet
soup. So it's a fun geeky, zine-like thing to do. Rehabilatated Terminology
can be fun. Especially with a cute spelling to indicate it!
Better yet a non-screaming environment. I thought and worried linux was
going to inheirit the dismal thing about unix system types. That is
screaming and yelling "RFTM" all the time. Hard to make any friends that way.
Have Fun,
Sends Steve