Ingrid and AE:
Very well-spoken.
To me, the idea of changing your "nick" to stop sexist comments is bull****.
Right on sistahs!
At 12:52 PM 10/21/99 , you wrote:
>Quick introduction. My name is Alice, I'm a programmer (c/unix) and I'm
>This is with regard to recent posts about sexual images in the Linux
>I think my feelings are rooted in a childish "I don't want to be left
>I am all for freedom of speech - even hate mongering fascists should be
>allowed to say what they like, because once it is in the open it can be
>debated, and if it really is a flawed proposition, than it will fail.
>I don't want to stop people saying what they think - I want them to stop
>thinking it in the first place! ;)
>A large part of the whole Linux/open source movement popularity is a great
>sense of community - of finally not being a bullied lonely nerd, but a
>proud geek. Finally, people who understand why somedays I forget to eat,
>or leave the house with odd clothes on coz I just had a brain wave and
>need to try it out.
>It's about earning respect, getting kudos, and this is an important need
>of all human beings.
>Look at the other things people show on their screenshots - fancy apps,
>and utils that they're trying to impress the other weenies ;) with.
>"Look, I'm monitoring all attempted connections to my computer, aren't I
>It's about propogating what is and isn't kewl. It's a competition. And
>the feeling that I am not a person worthy of competing with - I am to be
>competed over - well that hurts.
>Explaining sexism to a male is really difficult, though gay/bi men will
>sometimes understand if they are gorgeous.
>See, for me I like a bit of a flirt, I enjoy sex, I fancy men. So why
>should I feel upset when a guy makes a flirty comment? Because of the
>claim that goes with it. Some guys can say "Hello love" and I will just
>smile. Others, and I'll leap for the jugular. It's when I feel that the
>comment has reduced me in the eyes of the person saying it that I get
>upset. That by stating that I'm a girl, they eliminate me. They rid me
>of challenge or threat.
>It is a feeling of being denied the right to a brain. The right to have
>speach worth listening to. I am claimed as a sex object.
>And what really upsets me, is that it upsets me. I hate the fact that
>these sexist dicks can have any effect on me. And when it happens in the
>street, it's not too bad.
>But when it comes at me from a geek, that group that I finally thought I
>belonged to. When that place where I can reduce my guard and talk my
>mind, and sure, get challenged and argued with (thank god) but as a human
>being, when I see evidence of playground smut there, well it cuts deep.
>It says to me that this is a closed group that I do not belong to, and
>never can, and doesn't want me except as a plaything.
>Should the community change so that I do not feel excluded? My first
>response is yes it should change, and yes it will. I don't want to force
>anyybody to change, what I want is the opportunity to show them a
>different idea, and have them listen and think about my viewpoint, just as
>I would do for them.
>It will change, because women will become part of the audience to gain
>kudos from, and those boys will have to find other ways of getting it from
>us than with girlie pics.
>The frustrating thing about trying to change it, is that before the
>opinions are changed, I need to get listened to, but that's what I'm
>aiming for! Catch 22. :(
>Take heart, stay in there, remember that everything is a compromise, and
>the os community is no exception.
>"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience
>of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired,
>and success achieved."
>Helen Adams Keller