On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, Brendan/Coolian wrote:

> too. With my female friends, my feelings are "cerebral", nothing is a 
> shared experience, just shared feelings about things.  I have to find out 
> everything about a woman before I know if she and I connect on all 
> levels.  Because I have to analyze her. With men, it's nearly 

not so for me, but then again that's why I'm married... I share everything
with my wife, even more (and not just sex) than I share with any other man
or woman...

> life.  It's an accepted mode, an accepted thing in your life because you're 
> used to the "group pack" mentality. These are your hunting pack 

yet at the same time I was never "part of the pack", as geek/freak/wierdo
I was really never part of a machismo identity or any cultural
identity... untill being a freak started to become popular... to that end
I had an emic view of everyone I came across untill freak culture started
to develop its own etic...

at which time I stunk things up... and had to spend a few years
reevaluating my own perspectives that had all of a sudden become
biased... high school will do that to you ;->

>          But still we force the neuter.  We force the opportunity to drop 
> the standards and show how wonderfully noble we can be.  THAT is what is 
> offensive.  The fact that we give in is what makes me want to spit.

what exactly does "forcing the neuter" entail? it sounds like you're 
enraged about women on the job who don't pass the standards of their
profession that men have to go up against... (which I agree with)

what I see as "forcing the neuter" is dropping any sort of "mating
dance" in a professional setting... i.e. if I'm on the job with a woman I
would appreciate it if she was not wearing a transparent dress and thong
undearwear... because of our cultural mores that doesn't often happen, but
I deffinately think that there may be some derraged person who thinks it's
outrageous that they cannot be as seductive as they please in a
professional setting (that does not call for that kind of dress)... on the
other hand there is room to be just a bit tollerant, but how much is too

> find out these things first, and try to prove how Political Correct they 
> can be another time, are great to have.  You are becoming a rare 

for me, it isn't PC... it's my own cultural awareness... I'm not trying to
*prove* anything, it's just me being me ("know thyself")

> follow what you feel is right.  PC is a set of rules that society has 
> decided on to avoid prosecution, to avoid protest.  But that doesn't mean 
> they are right at all.

yes, PC are rules to avoid stepping on toes, to be used only by the
ignorant (i.e. Polliticians!)... some of us, however, are not ignorant... 

so I'm just doing what I feel is right, not trying to push up my attitudes
as superior to someone else's... but at the same time trying to help
others realize why I think they way I do...


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