>Actually, for a lot of women (and probably a good number of men) a
>quilting circle is not boring in the least.  In this discussion
>particularly, I would think it wise to choose your expressions carefully.

Not really...I am treating this discussion like I would any other, with 
ease, not stress.  Why speak any differently than I do everyday?

>Yeah, sure we could all go live in little boxes and screen out everything
>that we don't agree with.  I wouldn't be content to live that way.  I

Actually, that is exactly what you are proposing.  You want others to 
change to fit more with you think should and should not be a theme.

>think that people need to learn about and understand each other.  That is
>all this discussion is about.  It's about thinking before we act, it's
>about being considerate, it's about being thoughtful.

No, it's not about that at all.
The people who posted those themes were thinking about what they liked, not 
what you liked.  They WERE thinking before they acted, they obviously 
weren't thinking the same things that you were.  As is their right.

hurtful and thoughtless.  I'm also in favor of awareness and of creating a
>community in which everyone feels welcome.

Again, I say.
Try another community section if you don't like the one you're in.
You don't go into the red light section of Las Vegas if you're looking for 
Chucky Cheese.  Welcome to America.

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