On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Brendan/Coolian wrote:
> Man, some people are as boring as a quilting circle.
Actually, for a lot of women (and probably a good number of men) a
quilting circle is not boring in the least. In this discussion
particularly, I would think it wise to choose your expressions carefully.
Just categorize the
> damn themes....No one can take exception to seeing anything they don't want
> to see then. Issue closed.
Yeah, sure we could all go live in little boxes and screen out everything
that we don't agree with. I wouldn't be content to live that way. I
think that people need to learn about and understand each other. That is
all this discussion is about. It's about thinking before we act, it's
about being considerate, it's about being thoughtful.
I too attend law school, and I too believe freedom of speech is incredibly
important. But I'm also in favor of speaking out when others are being
hurtful and thoughtless. I'm also in favor of awareness and of creating a
community in which everyone feels welcome.
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