On Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:36:04 -0500, David Spiegel wrote:

>Hi Rick,
>You said: "... for more than 30 years. ..."
>OS/390 was release in late 1995.
>Did you get an early copy?
I believe OMVS antedates OS/390, perhaps MVS 5.2.2.

>On 2025-01-21 12:23, Rick Troth wrote:
>> rambling and thinking-out-loud follows
>> On 1/21/25 11:12 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
>>> On Mon, 20 Jan 2025 21:19:46 -0500, Rick Troth wrote:
>>>>     ...
>>>> So the next trick will be to figure out how to run it from TSO without
>>>> having to get into a shell.
>>>>     ...
>>> That feels like trying "to figure out how to run ISPF from shell
>>> without having to get into TSO."  (Which I have on occasion wanted.)
>>> Or  trying "to figure out how to visit the Louvre without having to
>>> go to France."
>> But see Willy Jensen's response, which I take to be typical of a lot
>> of MVS people.
>> Personally, I'm happy in the shell, but I have heard bitching and
>> moaning about it from both MVS people and VM people for more than 30
>> years.
>> Really want to make things easier for that segment of our community.
>> And I get it: yet another learning curve. That sucks.
>> Likely XFL will have a supplemental program 'pipetso' which, when
>> compiled, will provide exactly that, a TSO command so that TSO users
>> can run an XFL "pipe" without having to launched a USS shell. Another
>> SMOP.
>> Methinks a GitHub "issue" is warranted.
>> It might not even be needed. The current 'pipe' command in XFL already
>> has to un-do the command line tokenization done by the shell so that
>> the pipeline can be processed as a single string. That part would be
>> skipped, for starters. Maybe someone can show me how to make the
>> executable visible to TSO.
>>>> *https://github.com/trothtech/xfl/*


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