On Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:23:17 -0500, Rick Troth wrote:

>rambling and thinking-out-loud follows
>    ...>
>It might not even be needed. The current 'pipe' command in XFL already
>has to un-do the command line tokenization done by the shell so that the
>pipeline can be processed as a single string. 
You need your own shell.  Something like a REXX wrapper using linein()
and rudimentary parsing such as PARSE VAR name argstring.

>That part would be
>skipped, for starters. Maybe someone can show me how to make the
>executable visible to TSO.

What does BPXWUNIX do if you supply dd:SYSTSIN  as stdin
and dd:SYSTSPRT as stdiutT ?


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