I've looked into Netrexx Pipes and am impressed.
My holdback no making more use of it is that I'm not "in" either the Netrexx ecosystem nor even the Java ecosystem.
But Netrexx Pipes might be just the ticket for a lot of people.
Good suggestion, Rony.

This past June at the VM Workshop, I introduced "POSIX Pipelines".
It mimics CMS/TSO Pipelines but tries to keep "stages" on a peer level with other programs. This approach is similar to shell pipes, but POSIX PIpelines has the same out-of-band record boundaries and flow control as CMS/TSO Pipes. You can write stages in any language the host operating system supports. The package is primarily C but includes a sample stage in Rexx and a sample stage in COBOL. Works well on Linux.

The challenge with this implementation is a dearth of stages. SMOP ... small matter of programming.

I had not thought about trying to build it on USS until this thread.
Given that IBM will not ship TSO Pipes with the operating system, maybe POSIX Pipes can fill-in some of the gap.

TODAY I managed to get POSIX Pipes compiled, linked, and working on USS. Yay! So the next trick will be to figure out how to run it from TSO without having to get into a shell. Thanks to those who helped. (You know who you are.) I'll collect the changes and put them into the GitHub project.


The current release there is 1.0.3. The release which builds on USS is 1.0.5. I'll get it uploaded "soon".

-- R; <><

On 1/14/25 2:21 PM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
On 13.01.2025 19:35, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
On Mon, 13 Jan 2025 12:19:35 -0600, Lionel B Dyck wrote:
A decent, open-source, alternative would be wonderful.
There is.
That would be of greatest value if it were multi-platform.
There is.
And supported regular expressions.

There is.

I once argued for that,
and John Hartmann replied that wold depend on a HLASM
implementation of reges.

You can add/write your own stages, if need be.

Here the book for the open-source, free, multi-platform implementation of the CMS: "ISBN 978-90-819090-1-3 The Data Flow oriented companion to NetRexx, compatible with its z/VM CMS Pipelines sibling.".

Here the PDF version of the documentation: <https://www.netrexx.org/documentation.nsp>.


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