Forum: CFEngine Help Subject: Re: cf_promises_validated : bug 1258 Author: nickanderson Link to topic:,27307,27318#msg-27318
cf_promises_validated dates dates back to 3.1.2 afaik. Eynstein has some great extended change logs and the one for 3.1.2 covers cf_promises_validated under "Caching Policy Checks" In it he says that WORKDIR/masterfiles/cf_promises_validated is touched when policy has been successfully verified. I think some details are missing from that. It is my understanding that WORKDIR/masterfiles/cf_promises_validated is updated (now with a datestamp) when _new_ policy in WORKDIR/inputs is validated. So as I understand it the flow is something like this Agent executes failsafe On the hub only all of masterfiles is checked against inputs for updates (it ignores cf_promises_validated) Lets say this is a new hub, so all masterfiles are copied to inputs Agent executes normal policy run Agent sees that inputs are different from last time and they validate so it updates masterfiles/cf_promises_validated Now a client calls in (when it executes failsafe), and sees that cf_promises_validated is different from the one it has, so it proceeds to compare the rest of masterfiles against its inputs to see what needs updating, updates Agent executes its normal run It sees that files have changed in inputs so it updates masterfiles/cf_promises_validated (on the client, likely nothing will ever use this file, but it behaves the same everywhere) Time for the agent to execute failsafe again on the hub All of masterfiles are checked against inputs, but there are not differences so no changes are made Agent executes normal policy run The files in inputs validate, but since none are different from last time masterfiles/cf_promises_validated does not need updated Client calls in cf_promises_validated is not different from the last time it compared so nothing needs updated and it proceeds to execute its normal run I might be wrong about how some of that works, if so I am sure someone will correct me :) _______________________________________________ Help-cfengine mailing list