> Viktor, your answers are like GOLD, not worthless. Infact you pointed
> to the right direction, a hbqt.ch file in /include....
> What is not "normal" is that /include/hbqt.ch was not updated by a
> "make clean install" and I was trying to understand what happened to
> make the process more straightforward...
> I'd add that:
> - hbide should be in utils and not in contrib, because it is more a
> utility than a library... and it is not normally built by make

It cannot be in utils, as it's not part of core 
and can't easily be part of core due to the heavy 
QT dependency and dependency on other non-core 
parts such as hbxbp. We also don't want to tie our 
core to any specific GUI engine.

So IMO it's perfectly well located now. In fact it's 
ahead of the curve, since I plan to convert other 
contribs to use hbmk2 in the future.

> - due to recurring problems in compiling hbide that show up in the
> mailing list, and Maurizio problem was just an example, there should
> be something not idiot-proof in the process and I was trying to help
> looking for possible problems.

Sorry, but I can't see huge amount of problem reports 
about HBIDE builds. What I see is that some users sometimes 
forget to rebuild all required components, or have 
otherwise messed up environment. There is a limit we can 
handle, but we cannot handle all possible ways users 
can mess up things. In such case, it's best to just 
restart with a clean build as suggested by INSTALL 
troubleshooting section.

Personally the worse thing I had to do with HBIDE 
so far is to rebuild whole Harbour to make it work.

Otherwise it builds smoothly.

> For example, now I learned that it is better to always set
> HB_INSTALL_PREFIX in order to avoid problems, and it is probably a
> smart thing to do... I will do some tests later....

Well, HB_INSTALL_PREFIX will default to SVN dir 
or system dir on *nix by default (since these are 
the only known dir by the make system). So, if you 
leave it to default, it's much better option to not 
use it at all, as I suggested several times.

So yes, to put it your way, if you use 'install', 
it's always good to also set HB_INSTALL_PREFIX, 
otherwise there is just no point in using 'install'.


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