> Well, HB_INSTALL_PREFIX will default to SVN dir
> or system dir on *nix by default (since these are
> the only known dir by the make system). So, if you
> leave it to default, it's much better option to not
> use it at all, as I suggested several times.

So, just a "mingw32-make clean all" ?

But in order to have a clean situation I completely deleted the
sandbox, did a new checkout and built with a HB_INSTALL_PREFIX...
build failed... I then deleted the sandbox, did a new checkout and
built again... and again it failed

./bin/win/mingw/hbrun.exe --hb:gtcgi ./config/postinst.prg
! Making C:\cvs\harbour\harbour\bin\hbmk.cfg...
! Making shared version of Harbour binaries...
windres.exe: can't open icon file `utils/hbrun/': Permission denied
hbmk2: Error: Running resource compiler. 1

I know that 99.99% is not harbour fault but I'd like to know how I can
trace the build process to see the command line of windres call....

I want to repeat that this error started to appear after I deleted the
/include directory (and did an update... ) so that no "installed" .ch
files were present..

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