Viktor, your answers are like GOLD, not worthless. Infact you pointed to the right direction, a file in /include....
What is not "normal" is that /include/ was not updated by a "make clean install" and I was trying to understand what happened to make the process more straightforward... I'd add that: - hbide should be in utils and not in contrib, because it is more a utility than a library... and it is not normally built by make - due to recurring problems in compiling hbide that show up in the mailing list, and Maurizio problem was just an example, there should be something not idiot-proof in the process and I was trying to help looking for possible problems. For example, now I learned that it is better to always set HB_INSTALL_PREFIX in order to avoid problems, and it is probably a smart thing to do... I will do some tests later.... Francesco _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)