I spent some time with Maurizio trying to investigate the error he had
this MORNING compiling hbide (QT_STRONGFOCUS non existing variable
running hbide). Following his message a reply advised to do a full
clean and compile. This EVENING Maurizio did a "svn cleanup", then a
"svn update", started the compilation and everything went ok.

I did a grep on today svn and found:
contrib/hbqt/hbqt.ch:#define Qt_StrongFocus xxxx
(actually this define was added in February)

I then saw that hbide source code has
#include "hbqt.ch" in almost all files

hbide directory is NOT listed in contrib makefile so the "make clean"
doesn't delete the temporary files....
... more, from my tests it seems that hbmk2 doesn't recognize that
hbqt.ch is changed, also if -inc is present (probably because is not
in . but in ../hbqt)....

===> so there may be cases when a hbmk2 hbide.hbp is not enough after
a clean/install but a full "-rebuild" of hbide is necessary....

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