On 2009.06.15., at 0:22, Phil Barnett wrote:

On 06/14/2009 02:02 PM, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
But, please tell me, is it intentional that all sender names
are the same ("harbour-users at harbour-project.org") ?:
Starting: Thu May 21 17:43:03 EDT 2009
Ending: Thu May 28 21:33:47 EDT 2009
Messages: 16

• [Harbour-users] OS Language harbour-users at harbour- project.org • [Harbour-users] Harbour's own RDD harbour-users at harbour- project.org
• [Harbour-users] How to compile harbour-users at harbour- project.org • [Harbour-users] ODBC on MSWindows harbour-users at harbour- project.org
These are not the From:, they are the Reply-to:.

I see the names in my email that every message is from. Perhaps it's some setting in your email package. I'm using Thunderbird.

Here is an entire header from the email that I am replying to. As you can see, the From: line has your email address in it. The Reply- To: is the one you are listing above. (I'm going to obscure your address just a little...)

Hi Phil,

I'm not talking about my e-mail client (I'm not subscribed
to the user list), this was a cut&paste from the *archive page*
of the user list.

Compare the dev list with the user list:

- dev:
Starting: Mon Jun 1 00:02:48 EDT 2009
Ending: Sun Jun 14 19:08:31 EDT 2009
Messages: 997

        • [Harbour] Different Behavior of BCC and Mingw   Sudip Bhattacharyya
        • [Harbour] Formatter uploaded   vatzct
        • [Harbour] dev -> rc1   Phil Barnett
        • [Harbour] Formatter error (hwgui's prg)   vatzct

- user:
Starting: Thu May 21 17:43:03 EDT 2009
Ending: Thu May 28 21:33:47 EDT 2009

Messages: 16

        • [Harbour-users] OS Language   harbour-users at harbour-project.org
• [Harbour-users] Harbour's own RDD harbour-users at harbour- project.org • [Harbour-users] Re: Harbour's own RDD harbour-users at harbour- project.org • [Harbour-users] Harbour's own RDD harbour-users at harbour- project.org

As you can see, the dev list has proper names of sender,
while the user list is completely blind and sender is
always the same generic address. IOW, the archive page
of users list cannot easily be used in practice to lookup


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