Thanks Chen. has a few probs indeed. Slow, mixed http/https,
backup is broken. Latter two may get fixed.

On 6/16/09, Chen Kedem <> wrote:
> I'm familiar with forum administrating (not on, as already been
> said, it has pros and cons.
> Pros:
> - Messages can be self edited by posters and/or moderators.
> - Rich text, pretty messages, CODE tags, ... (in mails we usually does not
> like HTML messages).
> - User can read threads in interest, and not all message (if he or she does
> not like too of course).
> Cons:
> - The site is VERY slow which it make unpleasant to work with. This
> is a major turn down for me.
> - Search is limited! Forum engines does not index all words, it break each
> message and insert some reference to the words used in that message in its
> database. Some words are ignored, ... at the end it is sometimes hard to
> find something with the built in search.
> - Spam: I don't know forum spam filters, but regular forums are tend
> to be bombed with bot spammers that are tuned to your forum engine (phpBB,
> vBulletin, ...). Those IMG and URL tags are highly exploitable.
> - As Phill had said, forums are exploitable (because their scripts are so
> complex). This can be a less issue if the hosting is secure (I think SF at
> least try to).
> We can try to work with the SF for a while, and see what happen. I can help
> if its needed.
>   Chen.
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