tested in the last n years, plus it needs GTK lib.
Viktor, there is just one little thing, I don't understand.
In last few months I've made a lot of RPMs using hbgtmk.sh scripct created by Przemek. There were 0 (ZERO) problems with create RPMs, just one with the name harbour-1.0.0RC1, which shuld be harbour-1.0.0-RC1. But Przemek made
neccesary corrections.
So, what changet in last few days, that I cannot create RPMs the same way, I used to do it ? Is this possibel, that someone enabled all contribs during
last days?

Okay, to clear up some confusion:
1) RC1 still builds fine, as it should.
2) You are trying with the main branch. In the main branch I've made some "deeper" changes since we had a not very well defined concept as to how to develop Harbour after RC1. Now it's clear and these changes will all
   have to go to RC2, so we need to clear them up relatively quickly.
Now, one of these changes were some general review of the way how contribs are included or not included. I've enabled all of them in the central Makefile, and left the decision to build or not build to the Makefiles in each contrib. Moreover, I've added Makefiles for hbgf contrib, which
   had none so far.
I also left a TODO in the ChangeLog, that we need to review this list and add the necessary enabling/disabling logic to local Makefiles, so that only those things will be built, which can be built (or which are requested).
   So this remained a work in progress.

The goal is to have a clear an unified way to enable and disable
projects on different platforms, compilers and available external

Until this is cleared, please use RC1 for builds.

If there are other build problems I can look at it.
OK, stderr and stdout are in:


I can see these:
- a few warnings in contrib code
- lot of them in 3rd party code (sqlite)
- one error in hbtpathy (will fix it ASAP)
- hbapollo, hbfbird, hbgd, hbhpdf, hbmysql, hbpgsql not finding external headers
- hbcurl needing a newer version of libcurl (at least 7.17.0 is needed)
- hbfimage: ?
- One header casing bug in hbziparch (will fix it ASAP)
- hbziparch needing some review under Linux.

I'll correct what I can, until then feel free to comment/remove
offending contribs from contrib/Makefile.


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