Szakáts Viktor wrote:
It would be also good to hear other thoughts on this,
and get to an agreement whether to do "branching"
(parallel development) or "tagging" (linear).


actually, I do not understand at all what are we doing with tagging/branching. I've tried to discuss this question once, but no response received.

We can:
1) continue development in thunk/harbour until final 1.0 will be released and tag RCn to tags/harbour-1.0.0RCn. Then branch to branches/harbour-1.0 for future 1.0.n releases and continue all new features development in thunk.

2) do branching to branches/harbour-1.0 and do RCn and final 1.0.0 releases and all corresponding tagging from this branch. And we can start all new feature development just after branching. But I understand we do not use this method of development, because usage of it failed during beta stage (developers where not updating beta branch).

3) do not branch at all and continue 1.0.0 final and 1.0.n development in the main branch. No branching will be done, only tagging to tags/harbour-1.0.0RCn, tags/harbour-1.0.0, tags/harbour-1.0.1, etc. After all 1.0.n we can start new development in thunk.

I think we rejected 2) because no one (with some exceptions) were updating branch code in beta stage. 3) is to conservative and I'd rather say it's not possible, because we will never know if we will find bug in 1.0.n and if we will need a new 1.0.n+1. So, I see 1) the only acceptable way of development.

What we've done? We've copied thunk/harbour to thunk/harbour-RC1 and continued some limited development in thunk/harbour with some sync to thunk/harbour-RC1 by Viktor. I say "limited development", because we try to not add new features, but still we do much more than bug fixing in our code. We've call this svn copy operation "tagging", but it is not in the /tags, and we are changing it, so this is not the tag at all. It also not in the /branches and we are still closed for new feature development in thunk/harbour, so I'm not sure if thunk/harbour-RC1 is a branch. So, I do not understand that are we doing at all.

What to do?
If we agree on 1). We have to delete thunk/harbour-RC1, make a real tag in tags/harbour-1.0.0RC1 from thunk/harbour revision 8597, add a new tag in tags/harbour-1.0.0RC2 from thunk/harbour HEAD revision after we agree we are releasing RC2.

One more question I have is, does these RC1, RC2 have any sense if we do not do any binary (and even source) release available for final users? Everyone is using thunk/harbour HEAD.

Best regards,

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