Dnia środa, 25 czerwca 2008, Szakáts Viktor napisał:
> Hi Adam,
> This problem is caused by enabling all contribs
> by default, the one which fails was probably never
> tested in the last n years, plus it needs GTK lib.
Viktor, there is just one little thing, I don't understand.
In last few months I've made a lot of RPMs using hbgtmk.sh scripct created by 
Przemek. There were 0 (ZERO) problems with create RPMs, just one with the 
name harbour-1.0.0RC1, which shuld be harbour-1.0.0-RC1. But Przemek made 
neccesary corrections.
So, what changet in last few days, that I cannot create RPMs the same way, I 
used to do it ? Is this possibel, that someone enabled all contribs during 
last days?
> Could you please just delete the line "   hbgf \"
> from contrib/Makefile and have another try?
I've made it .. fils once again.
> If there are other build problems I can look at it.
OK, stderr and stdout are in:

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