Hi Marek,
Truely speaking the whole libnames problem is a little bit unclear
to me.
I don't want to jump in, or "take a one side" in this disputation, but
certainly if the decision was to rename the libnames, it would be
to do it now than later. "1.0" means something (at least to me).
BTW, I don't know technical reasons behind having so much libraries
instead of just one harbour-static.lib, but surely I never liked the
current set of so much libraries at all. If it has any benefits,
I doubt they'll overcome its weaknesses (a simple example is a cross
libraries dependency, which makes troubles for some linkers).
I completely agree that it would be way better to have less
libs. This would remove the burden from all users to deal
with this whole bunch of names, and break the link process
by leaving or misspelling one or two of them. It would also
make all link commands much shorter. Circular dependency
would also go as a problem. Overriding parts of the libs
(like getsys) wouldn't suffer (AFAICS). Having one lib would
have the benefit to be (more) in sync with the .dll version
of the lib.
One drawback which was mentioned on the list, is that we
have a different license for the compiler lib, the RTL
libs and pbly also PCRE. We also have some mutually exclusive libs.
Also, since GTs and RDDs are "plugin" type of libs, I wouldn't mix
them either in the global one. So, we might end up with a few
separate libs at the end.
Actually - if I see this correctly - the latest changes in
the GNU make system have the benefit that it seems now much
easier to generate one global lib (Thanks a lot to
Ryszard for this work), than it would have been before.
Having so many libs has nothing to do with any decisions
in the past, it was just how the project evolved, and some
new modules where simply put into new dirs (which is
perfectly okey) and all these automatically got separate libs.
This is a possible simplified lib layout:
- harbour (hbcpage + hbcommon + hbdebug + hblang + hbmacro + hbpp +
hbrdd + hbrtl + hbvm + hbrddusr + hbsix + hbhsx)
- hbcomp
- hbpcre
- gt*
- rdd*
- hbmain*
- hbnulrdd
This was already mentioned on the list not long ago, and
there was not too many reactions to it.
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