
Why should we not finish Harbour at this time?

Because the two main developers don't agree about latest changes.

It happens not the first time, and I hope not the last time ;-).
Many times the difference in opinions is a stimulating process.
Of course, sometimes it's a "destructive" process, but not so
many times (I hope :)).

Because both have announced they'll leave the project.

And I am not sure if they did not do it based on current emptions.
I can clearly understand the decision of leaving the project, based
on limited time, loose of interes, other involvement, etc., but I
can't say I understand both current decisions very well. I hope they
both don't mind and stay here. It's clear without them the project
is dead (again).

So since it's unlike we'll have a 1.1 I think we should at least leave
the lib names as they have been in the last 8 years and do a favor to
poor users.

Truely speaking the whole libnames problem is a little bit unclear to me.
I don't want to jump in, or "take a one side" in this disputation, but
certainly if the decision was to rename the libnames, it would be better
to do it now than later. "1.0" means something (at least to me).

BTW, I don't know technical reasons behind having so much libraries
instead of just one harbour-static.lib, but surely I never liked the
current set of so much libraries at all. If it has any benefits,
I doubt they'll overcome its weaknesses (a simple example is a cross
libraries dependency, which makes troubles for some linkers).



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