On Feb 9, 2008 9:43 PM, Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It could certainly help in the future that such concerns
> would be expressed before deciding about these changes,
> yet, all I got was silence (from you) and a few approvals.

At that time I thought that all the core developers agreed on it. In
this case my opinion doesn't matter but when the "change" showed to be
more complex than expected I simply suggested a quick solution: revert
and plan it more carefully.

Now it's clear that even other core developers had not a clear idea of
the results of this change and so I expressed my opinion with the aim
to find a solution.

Why gtwvw moved to hbgtwvw and back to gtwvw?
Because gt libs are "drivers" exactly like dbfcdx.

What I mean is that rtl lib is never referenced in the code while
dbfcdx need a REQUEST and a RddSetDefault so DBFCDX name will never
die and adding rddcdx will not make things more clear.

best regards,
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