> On Feb 7, 2020, at 10:44 PM, Eric S. Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:
> On the other hand, for me to have tried to port reposurgeon to Rust
> would have been a mind-numbingly stupid idea.  And that will be true of
> any application above a certain complexity of internal data-structure
> management, where having GC moves from bein convenient to an essential tool
> for holding dowb your defect rate.

Did you consider using nim? It is much closer to python. You could've even
selectively replaced python bits with nim bits based on profiling.


In the past I have "rewritten" programs by simply observing their
behavior and modeling in a toy program, taking care to keep the code
as simple as possible. This allows quick evolution and pretty soon
the toy can do most everything the original program does. Not really
surprising since the new program didn't have to make the mistakes
the old program made and has the old program as a reference. I found
literal translation to be much more painful. 

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