Tyler Compton <xavi...@gmail.com>:
> It would have been nice to see performance measurements from a more recent
> Go version. That said, it makes sense to me that Rust would be a better
> choice for this kind of application, where the main performance bottleneck
> is the sheer number of objects in memory. A language where you get to
> express more about the life-cycle of these objects should perform better. I
> say this as someone that knows very little about Rust, so I'm probably
> greatly oversimplifying.

I had a good hard swing at learning Rust, and I don't think you are
oversimplifying at all. It's a better fit for that deployment, no question,
and nothing in that article surprised me even a little.

On the other hand, for me to have tried to port reposurgeon to Rust
would have been a mind-numbingly stupid idea.  And that will be true of
any application above a certain complexity of internal data-structure
management, where having GC moves from bein convenient to an essential tool
for holding dowb your defect rate.

Different jobs, different tools. Engineering is like that.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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