On Friday, February 7, 2020 at 5:13:45 PM UTC+1, Lutz Horn wrote:
> > "Remarkably, we had only put very basic thought into optimization as the 
> Rust version was written. Even with just basic optimization, Rust was able 
> to outperform the hyper hand-tuned Go version. This is a huge testament to 
> how easy it is to write efficient programs with Rust compared to the deep 
> dive we had to do with Go." 
> This article does not tell use when the switch from Go to Rust was made. 
> But it is interesting to see that they compare the ancient Go version 1.9 
> with bleeding endge Rust. I am no expert for GC in Go but I would strongly 
> assume that since Go 1.9 much has been improved to handle situations like 
> those described in the article. 
The article also does not tell us how many years of experience with Go they 
had when they started the project.
And how many years of experience with Rust they had when they started the 


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