No ...

Do not split the translation.

Consider gnome-games UI and help.
Translating UI is like hell, because there are no comments and you
have to sometimes guess which game the string belongs to, but when you
finish, you push ONE file that is exactly where it should be in the
git tree. With one simple script, you can push every minute if you
wish ... no extra work.

Now you take documentation ...
Every game has its own location, which is a hell for scripts,
multiplied strings, multiplied errors ...
I was just preparing to start bugging the DL team to FORCE same
structure of translations and documentation and FORCE one file for all
translations of one project with COMMENTS! THE DL team should also
force forking master after the stable release.

The solution for the problems is lowering the bench from 80% to 70%
and maybe marking the strings schemas and so, skipping the statistics.

Splitting strings makes MORE work.

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