On 04/04 03:56, Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 4/4/20 11:34 AM, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hi,
> > I am currently preparing a new harddisc as home for my new Gentoo
> > system.
> > 
> > Is it possible to recreate exactlu the same pool of
> > applications/programs/libraries etc..., which my current system have -
> > in one go?
> Baring cosmic influences, I would expect so.
> > That is: Copy <something> from the current system into the chroot
> > environment, fire up emerge, go to bed and tommorow morning the new
> > system ready...?
> > 
> > Does this <something> exists and is it reasonable to do it this way?
> > 
> > Thanks for any hint in advance!
> I think that any given system is the product of it's various components.
> Change any of those components, and you change the product.
> I see the list of components as being at least:
>  · world file
>  · portage config (/etc/portage)
>     · USEs
>     · accepted keywords
>     · accepted licenses
>  · portage files (/usr/portage)
>     · this significantly influences the version of packages that get
> installed, which is quite important
>  · kernel
>     · version
>     · config
> Copying these things across should get you a quite similar system.  I
> suspect you would be down to how different packages are configured.
> But the world file is only one of many parts that make up the system.
> I didn't include distfiles because theoretically, you can re-download files.
> However, I've run into cases where I wasn't able to download something and
> had to transfer (part of) distfiles too.
> If you're going to the trouble to keep a system this similar, why not simply
> copy the system from one drive / machine to another?
> -- 
> Grant. . . .
> unix || die


a new morning... :)

Being on the way to install/setup the base system (mostly getting
stage3 uptodate) I came accross kinda inconsistency -- or at least 
it looks like for me.

The system uses a 3T harddisc (and later a SSD) and therefore GPT.
GPT is the sister/brother of an U/EFI boot.

For that the documentation (AMD64 handbook):

Default partitioning scheme
Throughout the remainder of the handbook, the following partitioning scheme 
will be used as a simple example layout:
Partition   Filesystem  Size    Description
/dev/sda1   (bootloader)        2M      BIOS boot partition
/dev/sda2   ext2 (or fat32 if UEFI is being used)       128M    Boot/EFI system 
/dev/sda3   (swap)      512M or higher  Swap partition
/dev/sda4   ext4        Rest of the disk        Root partition

and later on at https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/System

FILE /etc/fstabA full /etc/fstab example

/dev/sda2   /boot        ext2    defaults,noatime     0 2
/dev/sda3   none         swap    sw                   0 0
/dev/sda4   /            ext4    noatime              0 1
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom   auto    noauto,user          0 0

Here /boot changes from fat32 to ext2. 

Since this is my first U/EFI system I am a little confused.

Currentlu it looks like the vmlinuz binaries will be installed on 
a FAT32 filesystem. Since the kernel can be launched from a ext4
filesystem I cannot see, why this have to be a FAT32 filesystem.

My plan (if this is possible), is to U/EFI-boot grub, from which
I can select the kernel in question as it has been on my old
system (MBR based).

My current partition table looks like (only relevant parts shown):

Number  Start   End     Size    File system     Name    Flags
 1      1049kB  3146kB  2097kB                  grub    bios_grub
 2      3146kB  137MB   134MB   fat32           boot    boot, esp
 3      137MB   674MB   537MB   linux-swap(v1)  swap
 4      674MB   269GB   268GB   ext4            root

What did I messed up here?


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