On 4/4/20 11:34 AM, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
I am currently preparing a new harddisc as home for my new Gentoo
Is it possible to recreate exactlu the same pool of
applications/programs/libraries etc..., which my current system have -
in one go?
Baring cosmic influences, I would expect so.
That is: Copy <something> from the current system into the chroot
environment, fire up emerge, go to bed and tommorow morning the new
system ready...?
Does this <something> exists and is it reasonable to do it this way?
Thanks for any hint in advance!
I think that any given system is the product of it's various components.
Change any of those components, and you change the product.
I see the list of components as being at least:
· world file
· portage config (/etc/portage)
· USEs
· accepted keywords
· accepted licenses
· portage files (/usr/portage)
· this significantly influences the version of packages that get
installed, which is quite important
· kernel
· version
· config
Copying these things across should get you a quite similar system. I
suspect you would be down to how different packages are configured.
But the world file is only one of many parts that make up the system.
I didn't include distfiles because theoretically, you can re-download
files. However, I've run into cases where I wasn't able to download
something and had to transfer (part of) distfiles too.
If you're going to the trouble to keep a system this similar, why not
simply copy the system from one drive / machine to another?
Grant. . . .
unix || die