On Sat, Apr 04, 2020 at 09:05:09PM +0200, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> This gives me the chance to use a new set of cpuflags given by 
> cpuid2cpuflags, too.
> (by the way: This command show far less flags than diplayed via the
> command 'lscpu'....is cpuid2cpuflags uptodate?)

I assume it's up-to-date; the last commit was made in late September of last
year. While lscpu reads from /proc/cpuinfo and lists _all_ reported flags,
`cpuid2cpuflags` only regards ones which are applicable to the CPU_FLAGS
variable in Gentoo, so its no surprise that less flags are shown by the latter.

> For the "partition and boot" scheme (not the correct words...sorry no
> native speaker ahead....;) ) I thought of this:

Don't worry, I understood you well. Aside from your marvellous usage of
ellipses ("..."), your communication in English is fine :)

> One thing:
> Would it possible to boot grub from harddisc, which in turn has
> entries in the menu to boot either from harddisc or (as default) 
> from SSD? I don't care about the 23.6573 ms it takes longer to
> read grub stage 1 and 2 from harddisc instead off the SSD... ;)

`grub` is capable of showing entries from multiple partition tables/block
devices, if that's what you mean ? Just emerge sys-boot/grub with the `mount`
USE flag.

> Feeling still a bit paranoid when it comes to SSDs. I know, its
> supersticous...but... ;)

Yeah, I know what you mean there. Solid-state is the way things are going, but I
always keep backups/mirrors on hard disk and tape drives (but the latter is only
feasible for huge volumes of data).

I'll have a more detailed look upon your question tomorrow when I'm not quite as
tired, but what you're trying to do is certainly reasonable, and shouldn't be a
huge amount of work.

Thanks for an interesting problem :)


Ashley Dixon

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